JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Law enforcement agencies across the state will be ramping up patrols from July 1st through August 12th in the Click It or Ticket Campaign.

The campaign, which is funded through federal grants administered by the North Dakota Department of Transportation, will increase the amount of officers that are patrolling and looking for motorists who are not wearing a seat belt.

NDDOT Safety Public Information Specialist Ashlee Doan says the goal is to just raise awareness and save lives.

The enforcement is part of Vision Zero, which is North Dakota’s traffic safety goal aimed at zero fatalities and serious injuries on state roads.

“Summers are fun and busy, and our agency wants to remind everyone that no matter how busy you are, you should always take the time to buckle up,” says Jamestown Police Chief Scott Edinger. “Keep summer fun and prevent a tragedy from happening– buckle up.”

Doan says another resource for families to visit is their memorials for those who have lost their lives in car crashes in North Dakota.

Families are also invited to create memorials to honor those who have died in crashes on North Dakota roads at VisionZero.ND.gov.