LAMOURE, N.D. ( – The LaMoure Lions Sunset Park Revitalization Project received a generous $20,000 donation from the Robert J. Alin and Doris E. Alin Charitable Gift Fund.
Alin, a 1947 graduate of LaMoure High School and committed philanthropist, started his first successful Dollars for Scholars program right here in LaMoure in 1988. Alin went on to grow the Dollars for Scholars program across the state of North Dakota where thousands of students benefit from scholarships that make post-secondary education more affordable.

For 25 years, Alin found LaMoure “a good place to call home” and recalls that he and his late wife Doris were the first young couple to be married in our Presbyterian church. A faithful subscriber to the LaMoure Chronicle, Alin remains privy to the happenings in his hometown. When he read about the Sunset Park Revitalization Project it tugged at his heart. Alin’s passion for changing lives and improving communities is consistent with the Lion’s goal to revision a recreational space that contributes to healthy, happy lives and adds value to LaMoure.
Alin has a history of seizing opportunities for community growth and enhancement. Founder of the West Fargo Beautification Committee, Alin was instrumental in developing Citizens Park and other projects that elevated community and vigor in West Fargo.
The Sunset Park Revitalization Project aims to add unique playground equipment, incorporate walking paths, provide off-street parking, and support the development of a new community pool. Alin’s donation to Sunset Park is allocated for Phase 2: Walking paths. Located behind his Grandma Suemper’s home, Alin has fond memories of Sunset. “I was at the park a lot,” he recalls, “it was common to have a picnic on Saturday or Sunday.” I could hear the smile in Alin’s voice when he brought to mind the popularity of picnics, good food and enjoying time with family and friends on the North lawn of Sunset, which he described as meticulously cared for by Ted Hess.
LaMoure Lions hope Alin’s affinity for LaMoure and big-hearted gift inspire others to remember their roots and invest in the future of our small, but vibrant community. Project donors, like Alin, recognize the economic value parks play: increased property value, health, community cohesion and clean air, but more importantly they share a lived experience of pleasure and happiness in that special place we call Sunset.
To support the revitalization project, mail your donation to First State Bank of ND, PO BOX 6, LaMoure, ND 58458. Donor bricks are available for purchase online at: