VALLEY CITY, N.D. ( – Barnes County voters will continue to have the Vote-By-Mail option for all future elections as well as vote in person at one polling site on Election Day in the Barnes County Courthouse.

Persons who wish to vote may complete and sign the application, and return it to the Barnes County Auditor’s Office. Ballots must be mailed back or post-marked the day before Election Day or they may be hand-delivered to the Auditor’s Office.

If a voter misses the deadline, they may still vote in person on Election Day at the Barnes County Courthouse. There will be one polling place open on Election Day from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm for those individuals who wish to vote in person, or those who miss the mail-ballot return deadlines. If you miss the deadline and still want to vote, please bring the mail ballot with you to the polling site and turn it in to election officials.

All eligible Barnes County residents can vote inside the Barnes County Courthouse during the June 12th primary/election or during the November 6th general election. The polls open at 7am and close at 7pm in Barnes County.