JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Work continues on the Alfred Dickey Library as part of their Centennial Initiative.
Library Director Joe Rector informed the Jamestown City Council that in the middle of excavating the foundation, there has been a lot of crumbling concrete found at the base.
Rector displayed some of the crumbling concrete from inside his office. He says because it’s an older building, the material used was not standard for what is used today.
Joel Davy with JLG Architects informed the council as to why they decided to excavate the building as part of renovations.
Davy says they have a process they’ve done for other buildings with similar issues.
Structural Engineer Dave Bruns with Heyer Engineering says the concrete is very brittle in some parts of the building.
Bruns says the 12 inch wall has about 1 to 2 inches of concrete on the outside that is concerning. He says depending on more testing, they will look to knock the bad material on and then patch it for the waterproof material.
The council will wait for further analysis before taking any action if needed.