JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The Jamestown Chamber of Commerce teamed up with CSI Cable Services to hold a public candidate forum Tuesday, May 22nd.
The annual forum featured members for city council, school board, and park board. It was filmed live and will be shown periodically for the next several days.
The mayoral candidates are incumbent Katie Andersen, Dwaine Heinrich, and Josh Meade. Candidates for city council include Kevin Walker and David Steele. There is one city council seat open and the mayor’s seat is open this election.
The candidates for school board include Jason Rohr and incumbents Heidi Larson, Robert Toso, and Brenda Roemmich. There are three positions open on the school board.
Park board candidates include incumbent Mike Landscoot, Chris Aarhus, Mitchell Ostlie, Ryan Schlafman, Mindi Schmitz, and Mike Soulis. There are three positions open on the park board this election.
“Please remember to vote in the June election on June 12th or you can vote early by securing a ballot from the Stutsman County Courthouse,” the chamber states. “There are also absentee ballots available from the courthouse as well. Early voting starts on Tuesday, May 29th and absentee ballots need to be back by election day.”
The voting site for Jamestown will be at the Jamestown Civic Center on June 12th.
Audio for the mayor and council candidates can be found on NewsDakota. Click here.
Below are photos of each candidate provided by the Jamestown Chamber of Commerce.