BISMARCK, N.D. ( – Five Valley City High School students were chosen to participate in the North Dakota All-State music ensembles earlier this year in Bismarck.
Valley City Junior and Senior High Band teacher Tom Kjelland said the students prepared for a rigorous live audition in front of critical music judges from the upper mid-west region. The auditions included prepared exercises, etudes, solos and an extensive sight reading exercise. After being selected from hundreds of competing musicians, the students needed to receive, study and practice the all-state music sent to them in preparation for the all-state weekend.
Kjelland said these band and choir students joined the best over-all high school musicians in the entire state of North Dakota on Thursday, March 22nd 2018, for their first of many rehearsals to prepare for the concerts. While instructors went to classes the students rehearsed with some of the best conductors in the country. These guest conductors are invited to conduct the ND All-State ensembles based on their knowledge of the music subjects, creativity, conducting talent, world-wide experience and their relationships with the youth of today.
Kjelland said based on the live audition, our students were chosen to the most prestigious performing ensembles in the state of North Dakota. Each of our students experience outstanding musical experiences and life experiences. Each one of them brought some of this experience back with them and have shared it with the VCHS band and choir to help with the growth of our performing ensembles. This achievement of being selected to these exclusive performing ensembles speaks well for the VCHS music department but especially speaks well of the dedication to excellence and the musical talent of the VCHS students selected.
Above photo are the students who participated in North Dakota All-State:
Jade Oskendahl – ND All-State Treble Choir – soprano
Cara VanBruggen – ND All-State Mixed Choir – soprano
Maggie Oberlander – ND All-State Mixed Choir – alto
Jonathan Redfearn – ND All-State Mixed Choir – tenor
David Opdahl – ND All-State Band – french horn