JAMESTOWN, N.D. (JRMC) – Jamestown Regional Medical Center’s Auxiliary is welcoming the spring season with a fun event to fight cancer.
The salad luncheon is set for Tuesday, May 1, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. The luncheon will be held at Temple Baptist Church. Attendees will be able to choose from a variety of salads and delicious breads.
JRMC Volunteer Coordinator Mary Engels says the salad luncheon is a new event the auxiliary wanted to host.
“It is great to try something new as an event. This will bring freshness to the mix of events that the auxiliary likes to hold,” said Engels. “All of the proceeds will benefit the upcoming JRMC Cancer Center.”
Cost to attend the luncheon is $10 per person. Tickets will be made available at the door.
Auxiliary member, Carol Splonskowski said the event is a great opportunity to connect with friends and meet new connections all while eating delicious food and supporting a great cause.
“The auxiliary and I have been working to create a few extra special surprises for the luncheon, since it is being held on May Day,” Splonskowski said.
The JRMC Auxiliary consists of more than 40 volunteers, and meets the first Monday of each month. If interested in volunteer opportunities, call (701) 952-4809 or e-mail volunteer@jrmcnd.com.