JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The Jamestown Downtown Association (JDA) is looking for donations to keep a yearly spring program alive in the city.

The Adopt-A-Pole program is funded entirely by donations from business and individual sponsors.

“With the coming of Spring, it’s easy to let your mind wander to thoughts of the beautiful, colorful flowers that adorned the streets of Jamestown last summer,” the organization states. “Due to the tender care provided by a couple of dedicated individuals, these brilliant beauties are a real treat for the eyes as you drive down First Avenue and 10th Street.”

Along with the Chamber of Commerce City Beautification Committee, the Adopt-A-Pole program continues to seek assistance from individuals.

“Plants, material, fertilizer and watering expenses typically run over $10,000 per season. Donations can keep this program alive.”

The JDA says a donation could continue to keep the community beautiful and lively for the residents and visitors. You’re asked to send donations to:

Jamestown Downtown Association
PO Box 1026
Jamestown, ND 58401