VALLEY CITY, N.D. ( – South Central Adult Services is facing a much smaller budget deficit thanks to the city, local businesses, a church and several citizens in the region.
Director Pat Hansen said the budget shortfall has been narrowed thanks to $20,000 in financial support from the city of Valley City.
$15,000 came from the city’s electrical budget and another $5,000 from the city’s general fund account for small projects. The city unanimously approved of the funding at their regular board meeting on April 3rd.
The budget shortfall for South Central Adult Services centered on state budget cuts following the 2017 legislative session due to oil revenue reductions.
During the 2016-2017 season South Central Adult Services provided 59,868 rides in the region. The operating cost share is 50% Federal/50% State/Local. The Administrative cost share is 80% Federal/20% State/Local.
The fare to Fargo round trip Monday-Friday is $10. Jamestown Monday, Wednesday & Friday is $5. In Valley City one way is $2 and Taxi Metered is $2.50 + $1.00/Mile.
Anyone interested in supporting South Central Adult Services should contact Pat Hansen at 845-4300.