VALLEY CITY, N.D. ( Awards were handed out at the 2018 Hi-Lite Team Banquet on March 10th.  Junior Varsity awards were given to Abby Sather – Most Improved , Brinklyn Johnson – Most Dedicated , and Most Valuable went to Tori Berg.

Varsity awards were presented to:  Asia Barnett and Jayden Hovland – Most improved, London Dietrich for Most Dedicated and Lexi Senf for Most Valuable.

Coach Megan also handed out pins to the Varsity team members for their years on the team, 5 years: Juniors London Dietrich, Faith Petersen, Monisha Terry, Mara Thompson, 4 years: Sophmores Jennifer Anderson, Alexa Klein, Madelyn Langemo, and Lexi Senf, 3 years Freshman Amber Bruyea and Maisie Leick, 2 years Freshman Jayden Hovland, Morgan Nelson and 8th graders Asia Barnett and Emily Klein.