JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Several projects looking for funding will be considered at the first City Promotion Capital Construction Fund meeting Thursday.
The fund’s purpose is to create economic benefits including overnight stays, create facilities that do not exist in the area, and/or create experiences that enhance the time visitors spend in Jamestown.
Agencies that are awarded funding will have one year after the announcement to use the funding provided. For the spring, there have been several proposals submitted. They include:
-Upgrades at Fort Seward. Keith Norman reports that they would use the updates to improve the visitor’s experience at the Fort Seward Interpretive Center. In the proposal, it’s stated that this will also increase the time the visitor spends at the Interpretive Center and increase the likelihood of them returning to Jamestown. Estimated cost of the project is $11,170.61.
-Renovations at Frontier Village Association. The board states that they would like to renovate the large caboose with a new roof, walls, floor, siding, windows and decking on the exterior. The board is requesting $18,430 to do so.
-Louis L’Amour Exhibit at the Alfred Dickey Library. The newest exhibit at the Alfred Dickey Library will focus on the history of famous author Louis L’Moure and his history in Jamestown. It’s a collaboration between the James River Valley Library System, Library Director Joe Rector, Local Historian Keith Norman, and Searle Swedlund with Jamestown Tourism. They are requesting $23,007.
– 1883 Stutsman County Courthouse renovations. Ongoing renovations at the Historic 1883 Stutsman County Courthouse need another boost. Right now, the funds would be used to show guests the uniqueness and beauty of the building after renovation and ongoing care. According to the project, the funds would create a big boost to the completion of the project. Contractor estimates came in at around $13,800.
All projects included, around $66,407.61 are being requested from the grants. The committee will be meeting at 11:30 AM in the CSi Franklin School Thursday, March 15th.