JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The June 12th primary in Jamestown is beginning to take shape as petitions continue circulating for open positions.

The latest report on those circulating petitions shows incumbent Katie Andersen, Joshua Meade and Dwaine Heinrich circulating petitions for Mayor. Two individuals are currently circulating for the one city council seat. They include David Steele and Kevin Walker.

At this time, there are no petitions circulating for the city municipal judge.

Three seats will open up for election on June 12th for the City Park Board Commission. Candidates currently circulating petitions include Chris Aarhus, Mindi Schmitz, Mike Souluis, Mike Landscoot, Ryan Schlafman, and Mitchell Ostlie.

Candidates have until April 9th to return petitions with the recommended signatures to be considered for the June 12th primary.