JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Residents of Jamestown and Stutsman County are being asked to complete a survey as part of Governor Doug Burgum’s Main Street initiative.

“[There are] unique opportunities and challenges, and the survey is one tool being used to help identify strategies for your community,” reports JSDC Executive Director Connie Ova. “This survey asks questions about livability, why you live in your community and what amenities would make it better.”

Residents can help shape the future of the community through the survey, with insight gathered helping leaders and cross-agency state teams develop strategies to create vibrant cities to attract and retain a 21st century workforce.

“The better the response rate, the more on-target future goals will be,” Ova pointed out. “We hope you will take a few minutes to share your insight.”

The survey is currently available and feedback will be accepted through February 23rd. A link to the survey can be found below.
