JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – A seminar created to address the growing issue of violence occurring on church and faith based property has grown into a nationally known event.

Sheepdog Seminars feature a presentation that walks participants though church safety practices and explore the New Life Church tragedy in Colorado Springs, CO. Victory Lutheran Church member and retired State Trooper Tracy Brumfield says their seminars attract thousands of participants every year.

Brumfield says the Saturday, February 17th seminar in Jamestown already has roughly 150 registered participants from Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota and Minnesota, with a portion of that being law enforcement members.

Three individuals comprise the Sheepdog Seminars and they include Jimmy Meeks, Carl Chinn and Lt. Colonel Dave Grossmen. All three will be at Victory Lutheran Church this Saturday for the seminar.

“A Pastor in one of the Dakota states recently told us “I have been in ministry for many years, and have been assaulted, threatened and have had to get law enforcement backup at times because of it,” the organization states. “He went on to tell us that, “in a town our size, the thinking is, it won’t happen here.””

Brumfield says the seminars will be beneficial for a multitude of people.

The seminar will be Saturday from 8 AM to 5 PM at Victory Lutheran Church in Jamestown. The cost for preregistration is $59 and can be done at sheepdogseminars.com.

Listen to a full interview with Tracy Brumfield below: