JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – 50 years after doing business, Stutsman County Housing Authority has changed its name to Great Plains Housing Authority.
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) approved the transfer of voucher programs from Foster County Housing and Wells County Housing effective January 1, 2018. This was the first HUD voucher program transfer to happen in North Dakota. Logan County merged with Stutsman County two decades ago to help with their voucher program. With the addition of the two new counties, Executive Director David Klein moved forward with the request for the name change as the housing assistance was no longer related only to Stutsman County.
Great Plains Housing Authority will continue to administer Section 8 Housing Assistance in Dickey, Foster, Logan, Sargent, Stutsman and Wells counties as well as administer the HOME deposit assistance across Region VI. It is the continued mission of Great Plains Housing Authority provide safe, affordable housing opportunities for persons with low and moderate income and to promote economic self-sufficiency of families.
If you would like more information about this topic, please contact David Klein at 701-252-1098 or email at david@gphc.biz.