JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Members of the Young Professionals of Jamestown and the Jamestown Chamber Ambassadors recently presented the Business of the Month award to the National Buffalo Museum.
The business is the final recipient of the award for 2017. Museum Executive Director Ilana Xinos was joined by her staff as they heard their nomination letter. It reads:

Members of the museum hear from YPJ Member Emily Bivens during the announcment.
“After reading the criteria for this award, the National Buffalo Museum was the first business that came to mind. They have a very diverse staff who cares about the community and our visitors. The staff is always courteous and helpful. They exhibit a vibrant community spirit! They help organize our signature hometown event, the White Cloud Days, and their director, Ilana, is always willing to work with local organizations and businesses to provide great experiences and opportunities to see the museum and history of our national mammal. They have created a huge economic impact in our community due to their marketing efforts this past year. They have more than doubled their museum admissions. They are creating meaningful, memorable experiences, which can encourage visitors to explore more of Jamestown and spend more time and money in our community.”
The Business of the Month award is given to a business that provides superior customer service, exhibits community spirit and provides a positive economic impact to the community. The National Museum will join the other monthly winners and will be considered for the Business of the Year award at the chamber’s annual banquet in January.
For more information, call the Jamestown Chamber of Commerce at 701-252-4820 or email director@jamestownchamber.com.
Photos and information courtesy of the Jamestown Chamber of Commerce.