VALLEY CITY, N.D. ( – Several people and businesses were recognized for their support of Barnes County 4-H during the end of year awards banquet held earlier this month inside the Valley City Eagles Club.
For those interested in becoming a member of the Barnes County 4-H club contact NDSU Barnes County Extension Educator Sue Milender Toppen at 701-845-8528.
The following are highlights captured during the Barnes County 4-H end of the year awards banquet.

First year 4-Her- Marisa Hoffarth, all photos submitted to by the Barnes County 4-H club.

Others who received awards included: The Leadership award to Barb Thoreson.
Beginning year 4-H award went to Clair Utke.
Advanced 4-H Award went to Stephanie Hoffarth.
And the Jeremy Orn Barnes County 4-H Graduate Award went to Ryan Janish, Elly Milender and Megan Tichy.