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CITY, N.D. ( – The Valley City Police Department and other area law enforcement agencies will team up with the James Valley FOP Lodge #4 for the annual Santa, Cops and Kids program.

Law enforcement officers will pair up with a child from the community to enjoy a meal together before going shopping for Christmas gifts for the child and their family. Once the gifts have been purchased, volunteers will wrap the gifts and then the kids will have a visit from Santa.

Event coordinator Lt. Dana Rustebakke said this event is conducted every year thanks to donations from businesses and individuals from the community. It is this generosity which has ensured the program’s success, and puts smiles on the kids’ faces. The children are selected based on various criteria, such as financial hardship, family loss, military deployment, or other circumstances that make the holiday season a little harder to endure. Gifts are also purchased for other children in the community, such as children who are in foster care.

Due to the generous donations from the community last year, donation request letters will NOT be sent out this year. If an individual or business would still like to donate, we will continue to accept these donations. Donations can be mailed to the Valley City Police Department or dropped off at the Police Department. If donating with a check, make checks payable to James Valley Lodge #4.

Rustabakke said, “I would like to give a special thank you to everyone who donates and has donated in the past to this event, as it is very exciting and gratifying to see how much the children enjoy and appreciate participating. I would also like to thank everyone who donates their time on the day of the event with the wrapping of gifts.”