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N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The Jamestown Post Office will be supporting Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October. They’ll be doing this by promoting the sales of the semi-postal stamps.

The cost of the semi-postal stamps is $12 and $2.20 of the purchase price will be sent to provide funds for research.

“The first semi-postal stamp in U.S. history was issued by the White House on July 29th, 1998,” a release from the Post Office states. “[It] features artwork of a mythical “goddess of the hunt” by Whitney Sherman of Baltimore, MD.”

Since the first sales of the semi-postal stamps, more than $86 million has been raised in voluntary contributions.

“70% of the net amount raised from its sales goes to the National Institutes of Health and 30 percent goes to the Medical Research Program at the Department of Defense.”

The stamp will be available at the Jamestown Post Office during the month of October and all year round. Stamps can also be purchased by phone at 800-STAMP-24 (800-782-6724) or online at usps.com.