LISBON, N.D. ( – A Lisbon educator and some students will be working to replace a stolen flag from the North Dakota Veteran’s Home following a string of vandalism.
Brent Janes says his Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) chapter will be voting this week to apply some of their dues to the replace the rope that was cut on the flag pole.
“Because we as an organization with elected student officials, I cannot personally use their dues money without their consent,” Janes said in an email.
The North Dakota Veteran’s Home believes it will cost $200 to replace the flag and ropes, which currently hang from the pole. Police bevel that the vandalism coincides with several other incidents including nine different areas with spray paint and three burglarized homes.
“I believe we will have a unanimous decision in support of the $200 needed to repair the rope on the pole. I know these kids,” Janes said.
Janes says he has a connection with the Veterans, with his Uncle having served in the Korean war.
“My students will be presenting a United States Flag I received at my Uncle’s funeral in 2009 along with our Lisbon FBLA chapter donation. I believe it is more fitting to replace the stolen flag with one that was actually presented to a family member upon the passing of a family member that served in combat and or during a conflict,” Janes explained.
Lisbon Police are still working on leads in the vandalism.
“The vandalism that occurred at the Veteran’s home is not a true representation of our community. And Lisbon High School FBLA is stepping up to remedy this situation is just an example.”