VALLEY CITY, N.D. ( – A public input meeting about the future of Valley City was held September 21.

Valley City Commissioner Duane Magnuson said the comprehensive and transportation plan will serve as a guide for the city over the next three decades.

City Administrator David Schelkoph said there is an online survey available for city residents too.

Representatives from Stantec Inc; and the North Dakota Department of Transportation conducted a question and answer session.

The next public input meeting will be held December 7th in Valley City.

The contract with Stantec Inc is $380,000, of that $230, 000 will be paid by the North Dakota Department of Transportation because the lion share of the plan deals with city road infrastructure. The city of Valley City’s cost share of this project is $149,000.

Far left Valley City Mayor Dave Carlsrud visits with several people who attended the September 21 meeting at the Eagles Club.
L to R Valley City Commissioner Duane Magnuson answers a question from Dr. James Buhr.