JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Known for their volunteer work with service clubs, disaster relief, business development, education and healthcare, Dave and Claudette Smette are passionate about making the community, and the world, a better place.
Jamestown Regional Medical Center Foundation named the Jamestown couple its Philanthropists of the Year for 2017. JRMC presented the award to the couple at its Pillars of Giving event on Sept. 12.
Dave Smette joined JRMC’s Foundation board in 2009. In addition to Smette’s work at Jamestown Regional Medical Center, he and Claudette are also active with the Jamestown Rotary Club, Jamestown Tourism Board of Directors, U.S. Small Business Administration’s local SCORE chapter, the Jamestown Community Foundation, American Red Cross and Jamestown Chamber of Commerce. Prior to his life as a full-time volunteer, Smette served as the superintendent of Jamestown Public Schools.
“Dave and Claudette are role models for the community,” said JRMC Foundation Director Lisa Jackson. “We all should aspire to give back the way they do.”
With the help of supporters like Dave and Claudette, JRMC constructed its new building in 2011. That dedication helps grow the future of care for the community.
“It’s because of people like Dave and Claudette that JRMC can offer the services it does. Rural healthcare is possible because of the generocity of community members like them,” Jackson said.
To learn more about the JRMC Foundation, visit www.jrmcnd.com and click on Foundation.