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N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Daniel Kornovich was a quiet, hard-working man who loved the land and took great pride in farming. In his understated way, he made clear his intent to support Jamestown Regional Medical Center.

After his death in 2009, Kornovich left $1.6 million dollars for the new medical center – the largest single gift the Foundation has ever received. With the money, JRMC built the Kornovich Healing Garden on the north side of the building. The Foundation dedicated the space on Tuesday, Aug. 22, paying tribute to the man who made it possible.

“I venture to say, this healing is already happening,” said Bonnie Dewald, patient accounts clerk. “I have seen a recent cancer survivor sit and stare at this beautiful fountain and count her blessings. I have seen families gather to support one another while a hurting member is in the hospital. I have seen retired walking groups come and take on the paths to keep fit.”

Dewald was one of the JRMC employees who worked with Kornovich when he needed therapy in the JRMC Cardiac Rehabilitation department. After his recovery, Kornovich continued to engage with the hospital as part of regular visits to the Wellness Center. Daniel Kornovich, and his parents, Edmund and Florence, will be remembered for leaving a legacy that continues to help people they’ll never meet.

The Kornovich Healing Garden’s landscaping focuses on the beauty of North Dakota’s natural terrain, grasses, shrubs and trees. Its peaceful nature offers an atmosphere that calms and nurtures.

“When we think of healing, we think of tests, equipment, and medicine. We don’t always remember the power of resting in a serene space. The Kornovich family gift will help people heal for decades to come,” said Lisa Jackson, JRMC Foundation Director.

The Kornovich Healing Garden is open and available to the public. To be a part of the project, call the Foundation at (701) 952-4880.