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N.D. (NDSU Extension) – Drought management strategies and pre-breeding issues will be among the topics covered during a sheep seminar the North Dakota State University Extension Service and North Dakota Lamb and Wool Producers Association have teamed up to hold Aug. 4 at the Stutsman County Fairgrounds in Jamestown.
The Jamestown Ram Sale will be held at the fairgrounds the following day.
“The workshop is an opportunity to address current sheep production topics and prepare for the upcoming breeding season in a forage-limited year,” says Travis Hoffman, NDSU Extension sheep specialist. “The ram sale will offer top genetics from a variety of breeds. There will be an opportunity to meet your target with good-quality rams and expand your operation with productive ewes.”
The workshop starts Friday at 4 p.m. and will wrap up with a lamb bratwurst dinner at 7 p.m.
Other topics that will be discussed include the veterinary feed directive, which requires producers to obtain a written order from their veterinarian before buying antibiotics intended for use in or on animal feed, and how it affects sheep.
Presenters also will provide an update from the North Dakota Lamb and Wool Producers Association (NDLWPA), and information on NDSU research and the Livestock Risk Protection-Lamb insurance program.
Speakers will be NDSU Extension specialists and representatives from the NDLWPA, North Dakota Farm Service Agency and a feed company.
Fifty-eight rams and 76 ewes have been consigned to the sale. They include Polypay, Columbia, Dorset, Targhee, Suffolk, Hampshire, Texel, Corriedale, Montadale and crossbred sheep. The animals will be available for viewing Friday night, and all rams and ewes will be at the fairgrounds by 9 a.m. Aug. 5. The auction starts at 1 p.m. Visit http://www.ndsheep.org to view a sale catalog.
For more information about the workshop and sale, contact Hoffman at travis.w.hoffman@ndsu.edu or 701-231-2222, or the following NDLWPA members: David Brown, 701-840-7598; Nathan Robbins, 701-794-8743; or Brent Kuss, 701-752-4354.