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N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – After being reeled back to 0 cubic feet per second (cfs) releases, Pipestem Dam has now begun to evacuate flood storage outlined in the water control manual.
The Corps reports that releases are currently set at 125 cfs for Pipestem Dam. Jamestown Dam releases are set to match the inflow of the reservoir and are currently set to 75 cfs.
“Pipestem Dam is currently at pool elevation 1463.68 ft, which occupies about 23 percent of the flood pool,” the Corps states. “Jamestown Reservoir is currently at pool elevation 1430.9 feet, at the base of the flood pool.”
Releases will be adjusted to match inflow throughout the summer to maintain summer target pool elevation.
“This release schedule was set in order to facilitate ideal spawning conditions for the crappie fish population within the reservoir. The combined release will vary over the summer as both Pipestem Dam and Jamestown Dam releases are adjusted. All releases may change depending on rain.”