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CITY, N.D. ( – A special evening of music provided by the 188th Army Band is planned tonight starting at 7:15 pm at the City Park Bandshell in Valley City.
But, starting at 6pm tonight the VFW Club will be serving a picnic supper for the 1st 250 people and Stan Amundson with Midwest Dairy Association will provide the ice cream.
Event coordinator Diane Sommerfeld said this is a great opportunity to recognize those in the community & surrounding areas who have served or are serving our country. ”
The program will be moved to Vangstad Auditorium on the VCSU campus & supper will be served at the VFW Club if the weather does not cooperate. But the forecast calls for sunshine and a high of 75 today in Valley City.
Bring your family and lawn chairs (bleachers are available) and enjoy the evening with neighbors and friends. A free will offering will be taken tonight which is put towards the continued support of the City Park Bandshell. For more details call Diane at the Gaukler Family Wellness Center at 45-3294.