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N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – This time of the year is busy for parents and families; it is the season for high school graduation celebrations. Central Valley Health is reminding parents to model good behavior for the upcoming graduation weekend and to “Be a Responsible Host, Don’t Use Alcohol to Toast.”

Central Valley encourages good choices because they contribute to good outcomes. Parents are the number one influence in the lives of their kids. Parents and adults can help kids make good choices by doing the following:

• Modeling responsibility this graduation season.

• Not serving or allowing alcohol to be consumed by an underage person at a party you are hosting. Providing alcohol to a minor is breaking the law and this behavior also portrays to youth that underage drinking as acceptable.

– A local survey found that 90.3% of adults in the Region reported that it is not okay for parents to offer alcoholic beverages in their homes to youth.

• Continuing to keep our youth safe – underage drinking may lead to unintentional injury which is the leading cause of death for those between the ages of 15 and 44 in Stutsman  County.

Talking to teens about drinking can sometimes be challenging, but it is worth it when it comes to safety. Parents – start the conversation with your teen by discussing your concerns with the graduation and summer festivities. Remember, you play a large role in influencing your child’s behavior.