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N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – On going renovations of the Stutsman County Library were discussed during last night’s county commission meeting.
During the May 16th Stutsman County Commission meeting, Courthouse Maintenance Supervisor Jim Fettig shared the latest quotes for the library roofing project. Fettig reports that three quotes were received. The most expensive one was from Enterprise Sales at a cost of $42,980.
Fettig stated that the other two options were considerably cheaper, but would instead install a ballasted roof.
Commissioner Dale Marks stated that longevity was important when considering a new roof. Fettig stated that the longevity was important, but stated that he wasn’t sure how long the library would be around with the planned expansion.
Other projects that Fettig reported on was replacing the carpet with a carpet-tile, re-waxing tile and replacing the doors. He stated that he had budgeted for the projects.
The commission unanimously approved the three smaller projects.
All audio courtesy of Stutsman County.