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N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Stutsman County residents should be aware of the newest ordinances being discussed by the Stutsman County Commission.
The first of these ordinances, focused on open burning, has been approved by the commission. The ordinance makes open burning of any type illegal year-round during days of Very High or Extreme fire index ratings or an issued Red Flag Warning.
Stutsman County Emergency Manager Jerry Bergquist says the new ordinance is in effect and will require residents to remain aware of the daily fire index when considering an open burn.
Violating the ordinance would be a Class B Misdemeanor punishable by up to 30 days in jail and a $1,500 fine.
Another ordinance that will be considered by the commission on May 16th will help keep the county up to date for the standards enforced by the Federal Emergency Management Agency.
Bergquist says the changes are minimal, but important if the county wants to retain coverage with the National Flood Insurance Program.
For more on these ordinance or for questions, contact Jerry Bergquist at 701-252-9093.
Listen to a full interview with Jerry Bergquist below: