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N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The Jamestown Kiwanis Club raised more than ,000 during their annual Pancake Day, surpassing all other Pancake Day events in the club’s history.
“We set a record this year and we have the community to thank for that,” said Pancake Day chair Eric Tuchscher. “We also have to thank our local businesses.”
Hugo’s Family Marketplace has sponsored Jamestown Kiwanis Pancake Day for three years.
More than 1,000 people attended the event on May 1 at the K.C. Hall.
Kiwanis’ mission is serving children. So last year, the 40 or so Kiwanis members raised almost $10,000 for organizations like Anne Carlsen Center, Salvation Army, Safe Shelter, Camp Rokiwan, Kids Against Hunger and Key Club at Jamestown High School.
“Pancake Day is the community’s fundraiser,” said President Amanda Thrift. “All proceeds go right back to helping Jamestown and the surrounding areas.”
Jamestown Kiwanis meets at noon Mondays at Quality Inn & Suites. The club always seeks new members. To learn more, email JamestownKiwanis@gmail.com or visit Facebook.com/JamestownKiwanis.
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