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N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The Jamestown 2nd ACT will be presenting the show “Four Weddings and an Elvis” beginning May 4th through the 6th at the Jamestown Arts Center.

Written by Nancy Frick, the show features Las Vegas wedding chapel owner Sandy. Jeremy Wood is directing the show this year and says the hilarious story will have Sandy seeing her four most bizarre weddings yet.

The production features several small “acts”, each one displaying a different story. Amanda Wood will be portraying the lead role of Sandy. She says the lead role’s quirkiness helps the show move along.

This year’s show will not feature a meal. However, there will be refreshments and appetizers for the show goers.

Price of admission is $15 for members of the Arts Center and $20 for non-members. Tickets are available at the Jamestown Arts Center or by going online to jamestownarts.com.

Listen to a full interview with Jeremy and Amanda below: