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N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The 86th Annual Jamestown Chamber of Commerce banquet was held at the Quality Inn & Suites January 26th.
The event honored several individuals who were recognized through the entire year of 2016. Chamber Executive Director Becky Thatcher-Keller stated that the turnout for the banquet was great.
Award winners include:
2016 Citizen of the Year – David Smette
2016 Above and Beyond – LeRoy Wegenast
2016 Young Professional of the Year – Emily Bivens
2016 Business of the Year – Two Rivers Printing
David Smette
David was nominated by Shirley Jackson for the 2016 Citizen of the Year award. She stated in her nomination letter that he has been very active in the community for many years in a number of leadership roles as well as being a member of many community and civic organizations. Some of those include JSDC Board of Directors, Hospital Board Foundation, Jamestown Rotary, and Red Cross volunteer.
Dave stated that it was an honor to have been nominated for the award.
LeRoy Wegenast
LeRoy was nominated by Tim Burchill for the 2016 Above & Beyond award. Burchill stated in his nomination form that LeRoy was a found and board member of the All Vets Club in Jamestown. He has been a driving force in making sure veterans would have a place to gather regularly. He has been active with his business and has worked tirelessly for the community.
Below are some photos during the banquet. More will be posted later right here on NewsDakota.com.