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N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – A lead gift from Mary Newman to the Jamestown Safe Shelter will allow them to build a short-term emergency shelter for those affected by domestic abuse and sexual violence.
A press conference held at the Anne Carlsen Center on Thursday shared news that Mary Newman had donated funds to the Jamestown Safe Shelter to create the much needed facility. Safe Shelter Executive Director Lynne Tally stated that the project has been in the works for a while.
Safe Shelter is a non-profit that has provided housing and resources for individuals that have survived domestic and sexual violence for the past 35 years in Stutsman and Foster Counties. Tally pointed out that finding affordable housing has been much more difficult in recent years.
Mary Newman was present and told some of her stories, sharing what she had seen in her time working with another shelter.
Mary’s Place will be using some of the Anne Carlsen Center’s land while the Center moves their facilities to their new location next to the Jamestown Regional Medical Center. Eric Monson, Chief Executive Officer of the Anne Carlsen Center, offered some land to the Safe Shelter for the new affordable living space.
Mary’s Place will provide 3 apartments for short-term living to those who need it. Construction is expected to begin in Spring 2017 and wrap up by the Winter of 2017. Find more about the project and Safe Shelter visiting their website or calling 701-251-2300.