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N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The Jamestown Regional Medical Center has partnered up with several community entities to provide “No Excuses” Mammography Day on Tuesday, November 29th.
The no-barrier event will make it easier for women in the region to receive a potential live-saving mammogram or screening. Katie Ryan-Anderson is the Marketing Manager at the JRMC.
“No Excuses” isn’t just for women who can’t afford it. The event will allow busy moms, grandmothers and professionals who can’t set a time to walk-in for a screening on their own time that day.
Daycare and transportation will also be provided. The event is being co-sponsored by Central Valley Health.
“If you’ve never had a mammogram, or it’s been a long time, you are definitely the woman we are looking for,” said Robin Iszler, registered nurse and unit administrator at Central Valley Health.
Women can call 7011-252-8130 for more information. To sign up for a mammogram, call 701-952-4852.