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ND – (NewsDakota.com) The Barnes County North Education Foundation approved a proposal from Pine Country Nursery of Valley City to plant 41 trees to complement the construction of the new Barnes County North School which opened in 2013.

Dan Preston, owner of Pine Country Nursery gave tree planting demonstrations throughout the day to students, teachers, staff and board members.

A $10,000 American the Beautiful Grant was received from the North Dakota Forest Service that was matched with Barnes County North Education Foundation Funds including a $500 contribution from Otter Tail Power Company and in-kind labor to complete the nearly $23,000 project.

BCN Education Foundation President Lori Carlson said, the multi-phase planting project at the Barnes County North campus will continue as the Barnes County North Education Foundation is in the process of securing additional funding to complete the tree master plan.

Carlson said, other phases include an outdoor classroom with pollinator garden, fruit orchard, arboretum education trail for wind screening, education and exercise and evergreen trees around the football field.


