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CITY, ND – ( VCSU Theatre opens Lysistrata on Friday, November 11th, running two consecutive weekends. “At the end of the last season our students voted on their choices for this season.”, says Jenni Lou Russi, Director for Theatre at VCSU. “This is the year for a classical production and the students voted for Lysistrata. I was surprised, but NDSU produced it last year, so I think students might have been influenced by their production.”

VCSU Theatre’s Technical Director, alumnus Phil Godel, plays the Magistrate in this production. “Phil is a terrific actor,” says Russi, “and I knew the students would benefit from working with him on stage, so I cast him in a small role.” Nicole Heinitz, a VCSU Theatre Minor familiar to VCSU Audiences from Blithe Spirit and Quilters, is the Stage Manager/Assistant Director and plays Cleonice on stage.

The title role is played by Hannah Isakson, a freshman who graduated from LaMoure High School. Mariah Smith, Kimmie McLagen, Wyatt Sabinash, Preston Teske, Kayla Tormaschy, Demi Olstad, Neenah Donnelly, and Ryan Allmaras play acting roles on and off the stage. Dr. Hilde van Gijssel is in the cast as a special guest. Gerry Huss, a local actor who has been in many VCSU Theatre productions, has returned for another role with the students. Russi is directing and designing the production.

VCSU faculty member Jennifer Jenness is assisting with the production. VCSU students Carter Maier and Tyler Owens-Clark are technicians with the show.

Lysistrata features adult situations and humor, and is appropriate for teen and adult audiences in Vangstad Auditorium. Shows are 7:30 PM November 11, 12, 17, 18, and 19th at 7:30, with a 2PM matinee on November 12th.  Admission is free for students from any school, $10 for adults, and $5 for seniors.

Tickets are available at the door. For more information contact the VCSU Theatre Box Office at 701-845-7320.
