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N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The Jamestown City Council holds a regular monthly meeting throughout the year in Jamestown. But, that’s not when all the issues are discussed.

Each council member is responsible for a committee, to which they are elected to serve on. Each committee holds a regular session each month as well and according to Councilwoman Pam Phillips, it’s at these meetings every month that a majority of the issues are discussed, resolved, and decided on.

Phillips stated that there are five committees that hold meetings monthly so they can focus better on certain items.

When items are approved or disapproved, they move on to the city council meeting and are put on the consent agenda. Phillips pointed out that the bulk of the consent items are normally approved, but it’s the leg work of the subcommittees that allows these items to move forward.

If you have any questions or want to be put on a committe agenda, you can always contact the Jamestown City Hall at 701-252-5900.