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N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – It’s a little known fact that EMS organizations statewide are suffering due to the lack of volunteers.

Paramedic Program Director for Emergency Training Associates Logan Caldwell reports that in 2016 alone, three rural departments have had to close their doors because of a severe lack of participation in the program. Caldwell reports that Jamestown Ambulance hosts EMT training every year.

Caldwell reported that the training wasn’t just specifically for the Jamestown and Stutsman County area. They’re hoping to train individuals that could serve in other parts of the state too.

Jamestown Ambulance will be holding their first training session on October 1st and Caldwell states that it will be a great time for those who have been interested in becoming an EMT and to learn more.

Caldwell says there’s nothing that individuals need to prepare for, but that one should have a drive to help others.

If you have questions, you can contact the Jamestown Area Ambulance at 701-251-2273.