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CITY, ND – ( A bombshell was dropped on Barnes County department heads during a budget meeting on August 23rd.

Commission president Mike Metcalf said the county will either be looking at substantial budget cuts or mill increases to hold back the current rate of deficit spending.

Metcalf said at the current rate of spending the county reserve fund of $2 million dollars will be drained by 2020.

He said Barnes County did not received $250,000 in state aid funding this year due in part to a weaker economy statewide.

Metcalf encouraged commissioners to meet with department heads to discuss what cuts could be made to help reduce the deficit before the September 6th meeting.  A public hearing will be held September 20th.

The county is facing two options. One would be to cut the budget by 17 mills or to increase taxes by 17 mills to cover the deficit. For example, that would mean an $86 increase on agricultural land valued at $100,000 or a $78 increase on residential property valued at $100,000.

Metcalf said this are just ideas that were discussed and no final decision will be made until September concerning the Barnes County budget.