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N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Lifetime Vision Source has been a big supporter for Jamestown citizens and surrounding communities. They’ve continued their support with a ,000 donation to the Alfred Dickey Library.

Development Director Bill Kennedy reports that Lifetime Vision Source has donated $10,000 that will go towards the bookmobile project the library has been working on for more than a year.

“Many seniors in the community depend on the bookmobile as a source of reading materials and many rural schools depend on the bookmobile for research materials. This donation will assure that the new bookmobile will continue great service to the community.”

Kennedy reports that on days the bookmobile travels, it constitutes 40% of the total library circulation for that day.

“This year is my 20th anniversary of my partnership with Dr. Mathison, so we decided to do an additional funding project this year. The Bookmobile project fit the bill perfect as it serves all age groups and many local communities.” said Dr. Larry Motacek.

The donation will make Lifetime Vision Source the official sponsor for the bookmobile. Below is a rendering of what the new bookmobile might look like.

Rendering of the Bookmobile.
Rendering of the Bookmobile.

L-R Bill Kennedy, Development Director, Dr. Larry Motacek, Joe Rector, Library Director,  Dr. Tamara Mathison
L-R Bill Kennedy, Development Director, Dr. Larry Motacek, Joe Rector, Library Director, Dr. Tamara Mathison