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N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Over 400 members of the North Dakota American Legion, its Auxiliary, and the Sons of The American Legion gathered in Fargo, ND for the 98th Annual Department Convention beginning June 24-26, 2016, with which took place at the Fargo Holiday Inn.
The American Legion National Commander Dale Barnett and Department Commander Harold Goldsmith presented a plaque to Chief David Todd of the Fargo Police Department. The Fargo Police Department was recognized and honored for their service to the community of Fargo on Sunday at the Memorial Service.
Orletta Kilen of Post #261 in Almont, ND was installed by National Commander Dale Barnett, from Douglasville, GA on Sunday, on June 26, 2016 as the 2016-2017 Department Commander. Department Commander Kilen is the second female Legionnaire to serve as the Commander for the Department of North Dakota.
Other Legionnaires were sworn in as officers for the 2016-2017 year. Karen Meier, Commander-Elect of Garrison, Harold Goldsmith, DEC Chairman of Streeter, Cliff Herrick, Finance Officer of Jamestown, Regional DEC Directors, East Kenny Wiederholt of Gwinner, Bill Lipetzky of Jamestown and Ted Becker of Almont. Regional Vice Commanders elected to one year terms are East Region Larry Lien of Fargo, Central Region, Bruce Sailer of Washburn and West Region is Glenn Wahus of Watford City.
In addition, twenty new District and District Vice Commanders were installed during the convention.