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N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – As the June 14th North Dakota Primary inches closer, more and more individuals are reading up on the measures and candidates in their respective areas.

One resident of Jamestown is questioning the Stutsman County Measure 1 on the primary ballot.

Nellie Degen states that she is gravely concerned with measure 1. According to the Stutsman County Commission, County Measure 1 is a proposed amendment to the Stutsman County Home Rule Charter to make the Stutsman County State’s Attorney an appointed position.

Jamestown Attorney Dan Buchanan states that it’s important to note that the States Attorney position is not an elected county position, but rather an elected state position as the States Attorney serves under the Attorney General.

Degen states that it’s important and the right of the people to let their voices be heard, and she hopes that people get out and vote on June 14th.

You can learn more about the County measures as well as the city measures for Jamestown by clicking the link below.

City & County Measures

Nellie Degen (left), Dan Buchanan (middle) and Warren Abrahamson (right)
Nellie Degen (left), Dan Buchanan (middle) and Warren Abrahamson (right)