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N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – During the Jamestown Public Works committee meeting, members of the City Beautification Committee presented issues with unsightly, blighted and dangerous properties located in the community.
Assistant Police Chief John Johnson was present at the meeting to discuss what the department does in the case of a reported property violating the city’s ordinances.
Johnson reported that most of the time, it’s an officer who has viewed the property that makes decision to give notice to the property owner. If action is not taken by the owner in the allotted time frame, the city will address the issue.
Beautification member Bob Martin came before the committee and aired his concerns over the time it has taken for the city to address some properties.
Mayor Katie Andersen stated that it was up to the Jamestown Police Department to address those concerns and complaints, as Assistant Chief Johnson pointed out earlier in the meeting.
The council stated that they would look at ordinances in other cities and consider them for possible integration into the Jamestown community.