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CITY, N.D. ( A plan to build an outlet near Hobart Lake to remove water overflowing west of Valley City took another step forward last week.

The Barnes County Commission approved a letter of support for the $800,000 project.  Leroy Triebold is opposed to the outlet. He says the cost isn’t worth the potential damage to a nearby fish hatchery.

Another opponent, Paul Stenshoel believes a study should be conducted before the commission moves forward with the next phase. He questioned the boards approval without any regard for the natural environment concerning the lake.

Barnes County Commissioner John Froehlich supports the idea. He believes the structure will help mitigate future flooding. He says the estimated cost of the project to Barnes County is $130,000.

The plan is to bury a pipe for three quarters of a mile with over a half mile of channel improvements to drain the water into the Sheyenne River.

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