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N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Area farmers and interested individuals are invited to attend the 2016 North Dakota Grazing Land Coalition Winter Conference in Minot beginning Wednesday, January 20th.

Sue Balcom, Assistant to the Executive Director of the Coalition, stated that farmers and ranchers from across the state come to the conferences to share grazing practices and pass on their knowledge to other individuals.

The organizations was created in 1996 to promote the health and sustainability of North Dakota’s 13.5 million acres of grazing land. Members focus on the importance of soil health and systems biodiversity.

The conference will be held at the Sleep Inn and Suites in Minot and registration is $30 per person. Speakers will include Dr. Richard Teague, Kalie Rider, Desa Sand, Time Szymansky and Annie Carlson.

Contact Sue Balcom if you have questions or would like to register at 701-527-5169.