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N.D. ( A few changes are underway following the merger of Dakota Ag and Dakota Plains Cooperative.

General Manager Ken Astrup is retiring on December 15th after being at the helm for eight years. Astrup talked about the growth of the coop with projects like the Litchville fertilizer plant and the expansion in Gwinner.

Dakota Plains Ag General Manager Dennis Novacek talked about the construction of grain elevators and a fertilizer plant in Gwinner.

Dakota Plains Ag General Manager Dennis Novacek.
Dakota Plains Ag General Manager Dennis Novacek. Photos by Steve Urness.

The new 27 thousand ton fertilizer plant should be completed in March of 2016. The 2.4 million bushel capacity grain elevator should be ready by the fall of 2016 in Gwinner.

During the annual meeting in Verona on December 8th Brooke Peterson said the coop had $43,165,826 in total assets, liabilities and capital. She said total sale were $103,954,840 with $15,774,702 in total expense.

Board member Mark Bopp recognized for his service on the board will be stepping down as a new board will be formed with the merger of Dakota Ag and Dakota Plains Cooperative.
DPC Board member Mark Bopp recognized for his service on the board will be stepping down. A new board will be downsized following the merger of Dakota Ag and Dakota Plains Cooperative, to be called Dakota Plains Ag.

Local employee salaries and benefits totaled $8,504,002. These and other figures were released during the financial statement report on December 8th.

In other news Astrup said Gordy’s purchased the Dakota Plain Cooperative facility in Lisbon this year. He said Gordy will be announcing a few changes to the store in Lisbon later.

Ken Astrup recognized for his 8 years as a General Manager of Dakota Plains Cooperative.
Ken Astrup recognized for his 8 years as General Manager of Dakota Plains Cooperative. Photos by Steve Urness.

Some $80,000 was divided between 13 local charitable organizations during the annual meeting on December 8th.

People who represent local charities and non-profit foundations who received money from Dakota Plains Cooperative and Land O'Lakes matching grants. Photos by Steve Urness
13 local charities and non-profit foundations received money from Dakota Plains Cooperative and a Land O’Lakes matching grant totaling $80,000. Photos by Steve Urness

Astrup said Dakota Plains kicked in $40,000 with Land O’ Lakes matching that figure with another $40,000. He said it’s a great give back program in which several communities receive a good benefit for their charitable work.

Below are photos of those people who represent non-profits and other charitable organizations who received money through this program.

The Valley City School District and Farm Rescue received checks for $1,000 apiece during the annual Dakota Plains Cooperative meeting in Verona, North Dakota on December 8th.

L to R DPC board president Greg Svenningsen and Jeremy Weibe from VCSU.
L to R DPC board president Greg Svenningsen hands a $2,500 check to Jeremy Wiebe of United Way of Barnes County. Photos by Steve Urness.

 Barnes County Salvation Army Chairman Lee Isensee.

L to R DPC board president Greg Svenningsen hands a $5,000 check to Barnes County Salvation Army Chairman Lee Isensee.

 L to R DPC board president Greg Svenningsen and Barnes County Salvation Army Chairman Lee Isensee.

L to R DPC board president Greg Svenningsen hands a $2,500 check to Sheyenne Valley Community Foundation Director Andrea Nelson.

 L to R DPC board president Greg Svenningsen and Barnes County Salvation Army Chairman Lee Isensee.

L to R DPC board president Greg Svenningsen hands a $1,000 check to Lisbon Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Steve Johnson. Photos by Steve Urness.
L to R DPC board president Greg Svenningsen and Lisbon Public Schools Superintendent Steve Johnson.
L to R DPC board president Greg Svenningsen hands a $5,000 check to Director of Great Plains STEM Education Center Jamie Wirth.

L to R DPC board president Greg Svenningsen and Lisbon Public Schools Superintendent Steve Johnson.
L to R DPC board president Greg Svenningsen hands a $5,000 check to Executive Director of University Advancement Larry Robinson.


L to R DPC board president Greg Svenningsen and Lisbon Public Schools Superintendent Steve Johnson.
L to R DPC board president Greg Svenningsen hands a $5,000 check to members of the FFA Chapter from Oakes, North Dakota representing Tam Maddock or the North Dakota FFA Foundation in Bismarck.

Far right DPC board president Greg Svenningsen hands a $5,000 check to Cathy Herbold of the Great Plains Food Bank.
Far right DPC board president Greg Svenningsen hands a $5,000 check to Cathy Herbold of the Great Plains Food Bank.


DPC board president Greg Svenningsen hands a $5,000 check to Lynn Speral of the American Red Cross.
DPC board president Greg Svenningsen hands a $5,000 check to Lynn Speral of the American Red Cross.

DPC board president Greg Svenningsen hands a $1,000 check to Beth Dewald and Pam Foertsch of the Freedom Resource Center and the Jamestown Business Center. Photos by Steve Urness.
DPC board president Greg Svenningsen hands a $1,000 check to Beth Dewald and Pam Foertsch of the Freedom Resource Center and the Jamestown Business Center. Photos by Steve Urness.