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by Vanessa Kocka (Valley City, ND)
The Accelerated Reading Program provides teachers and children an exciting way to promote reading at home & in the classroom. Research has proven that reading AR books will help children raise their scores on state tests. Most importantly, the AR program builds a lifelong love of reading and learning.
At Washington School, students earn points by taking computer tests on AR books they have read. They accumulate points and earn incentives when they reach certain milestone levels. Students are recognized at quarterly programs and their names move on the Wall of Stars when they reach 25, 50, 100, 150, 250, 500, 750, 1000, and 1500 point levels. Incentives for these point levels include achievement certificates, bookmarks, pencils, paperback books, t-shirts, water bottles, sports bags, and other reading prize choices. At 500 points, students receive a reading trophy and their name is added to the wall plaque, which is displayed in the hallway by the office. An AR outstanding reading recognition medallion is given at 750 points and a Valley City Hi Liner hooded sweatshirt at the 1000 point level, complements of X-treme printing. We have also added prizes at 1500 and 2000 point levels due to some “Excessive” reading. These incentives include Hi Liner athletic passes, a gift certificate to Eagle’s Nest Bookstore, and a VCSU water bottle.
We would like to thank Washington PTO, Alliance Pipeline, the Cass County Electric Round-Up board, the Eagles Nest bookstore,
X-treme Printing, Dakota Plains – Cenex of Valley City, the Valley City Optimist Club, Stacy Ingstad (Tutti Frutti), James Jenson (Lawn Realty), Valley City Handy Hardware, K-Mart, VC Times Record, and Valley City Park & Rec Board for their generous support of our AR program.
FInally, thank-you to teachers and parents for your encouragement and enthusiasm for the students in their reading endeavors.