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N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The Jamestown City Council met for their regularly scheduled monthly meeting on Tuesday, September 8th at the Jamestown City Hall.
Many items on the consent agenda were approved including a request from the JSDC to provide $75,000 to Jamestown Tourism for matching funds, the 2016 preliminary budget a line item under Police Department Projects for $74,000 and postponement of $55,000 payment for the River Bank Stabilization Project. However, one item was removed from the consent agenda.
Council member Dan Buchanan pointed out a payment approval to SRF Consulting Group.
Mayor Andersen stated that she shared those concerns as only $10,000 remains in the budgeted amount for the rest of the year. She pointed out the that the city may need to budget an additional amount if funds run out. The payment was then approved.
Some resolutions were approve during the meeting including a Joint Powers Agreement between the City of Jamestown and Jamestown Park District for the TRAC facility. The first reading of the new budget was also approved.
During the closing minutes of the meeting, Council Member Charlie Kourajian brought up the previously down-voted ATV and UTV Ordinance to allow operation in city limits.
Mayor Andersen agreed that it would be brought back up at the next City Council meeting. The previous vote resulted in a 3 to 2 vote with Council Members Charlie Kourajian, Steve Brubakken and Dan Buchanan voting against.