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ND – ( The Dazey Sodbusters Club has come a long way in 70 years and their annual celebration is this Sunday, September 6th at 3pm.
The club built a grandstand and bleachers constructed out of steel from the former Radar base in Finley, North Dakota. The new bleachers hold more than 800 people. Mike Heinze and Al Bender talked about the construction of the stadium and why they named it Veterans Memorial Stadium.
Greg Mueller has been a club member since 1973. He said the support for this event from this area is amazing. Mueller will be honored on Sunday for his years of service and support of the club. He and Tony Heinze talked about the upcoming event and some interesting experiences that they have had with the club.
A number of other events are planned during the 70th annual Dazey Sodbusters Club Day on Sunday, September 6.
Remember about 30 riders will participate in the 12th annual Bull-O-Rama starting at 3pm Sunday, September 6 in Sibley, North Dakota.